Text written by Tânia Braz to her friend, the compositor Carlos Magno.
Belo Horizonte, August 1999.
The moment of confrontation between reality and illusion is here. “Soul and mind at war “I would say… This system demands from people the highest efficiency, the utmost power of decision and creativity. Competitiveness, information, dynamism, objectivity, are the key words to attain success! But how happy would I be, adopting a formula of success that will not allow me to proceed at my own pace? How happy would I be if this formula that does not allow me to fail, or to be unsure and undecided, at certain times? What do I have to do to succeed if I need to spare a portion of my time asking questions that have no answers; if my dream is to be always caring, although I have to act some times like a silly and mad person; if I want not to want anything when luck is on my favor, and, what would I do, if in the evening, I get crazy to watch the sunset?
I am aggressive, but I am also calm. I get angry only when I am faced with disrespect; cowardice and betrayal .It is not my nature to criticize the world’s ways and neither to judge people’s actions. But hell …where do I fit in this confusion created by the world’s civilization? Am I at the right place, doing what I am supposed to do, receiving what is due me, giving it what is expected of myself? What tribe do I belong to? And since I am getting myself lost with questions, here goes some spiritual puzzles; what would justify daily cruelty, so natural, such as labor pain, the food chain or the getting old? And some more mundane questions: why does foolishness become the main interest of so many people, at the point that turns into power and transforms into fortune? In between the obvious and the non obvious, there has to be the unfathomable subtleties, treasuries of magic.

Perhaps, one calls me crazy for my apparent madness, or condemns me for this pretentious and vain philosophy. No problem; after all we are all in the same boat and we are doing the best we can, isn’t that right?
Furthermore, I must confess that, even though I have a thing for questions, the truth is that I do not get upset with the lack of answers. Fortunately, I have been given the gift of faith. I always believe that at the end things will be all right. I even believe that death has its value and that malice can be a good teacher. I believe also that all things are exactly how they should be. Because the road is traveled by steps and not by arrivals and departures. I believe in mathematics as much as I believe in poetry. Deep inside it boils down to the same thing. So, I keep thinking, feeling and questioning. And I just watch TV when there is nothing better to do. I am free. I am an Aquarian at heart, just like you are.
But lately, I have been quite, observing the human race. I must confess that at each passing day I am learning to admire people even more. All of us have our beauty, our peculiarities, our fantasies, and our desire to live. Each of us has our admirable capability, our inner pride, our endless needs, and our inexplicable courage. Am I learning how to love? Are we learning how to love?

Dear hope that does not die. What will really matter in this life? Who should be the master of our choices? At what level are we responsible for these choices if all things must come to pass? . Some people say that this is already written! Yes.... maybe… Maybe God created time so that we can someday understand it and follow his “script” at free will. To live the moment while respecting eternity! Where is this voice that Catholics call divine Holly Spirit? Would this Holly Spirit lend us a hand at times of need? Are the rules of our conscience made out of the Holy Spirit’s matter? And how about our heart’s pure and detached desires? Would they have the power to distinguish the right from wrong? Right ...Wrong. If everything is so relative! Is it???
I just advise to be aware and calm as the time of confronting the truth and lie has arrived.
We will foresee a North that will make sense to this life, and then, nothing will stop the exorcism of the unloved one, who, for centuries made us not only the victims but the executioners as well. Let’s be prepared. Welcome to the revolution of the end of times!
