Education :
Graduated in Music - Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais) - Major in Composition.
Graduated in Architecture and Urban Studies - (UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais).
Courses: Classic Guitar, Music Theory, Composition and Body Expression - Scholla Cantorum do Palácio das Artes – Fundação Clóvis Salgado and Conservatório Mineiro de Música. Study Harmony and Orchestration with several reputable Teachers including Prof. Oilian Lanna.
Theatre Studies – School of Theater – Minas Gerais Catholic University (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUCMG), under the direction of Pedro Paulo Cava, of NET - Núcleo de Estudos Teatrais of Belo Horizonte; Classic Balet - Studio Anna Pavlova, under Profs. Dulce Beltrão e Sílvia Calvo.

Past member of the respected, Ars Nova Choir of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, ranked at that time as one of the world’s five best choirs - performed in various ocasions in Brazil and in several foreign countries. While with Ars Nova, Tânia Braz also participated on the recording of "Madrigal", which compiled fine pieces of classical music from the Romantic and Renaissance eras. The choir interpreted brilliantly Brahms, Villa-Lobos, Banchieri as well as, rich folkloric Brazilian songs.
First works – Beginning:
On the first half of the 1990s, when music became Tania’s full time career, she recorded her first solo album "Mistura Pura" (Pure Mixture), singing in Portuguese, French, English and Spanish. Tânia composed, arranged and produced most of the songs on the record. The record received good reviews from music critics.

Shortly thereafter, Tânia was awarded in Belo Horizonte, the Carlos Felipe trophy, promoted by Estado de Minas newspaper, in the categories of best performance and best new singer of the year.
She sang on the disc “Cristal” (Crystal) of the famous Brazilian artist, Oswaldo Montenegro. The recording was the soundtrack of the homonymous musical, stared in Belo Horizonte on the 1980s, after a hard selection with hundreds of young people that were signed up to participate of this project.

For many years she sang solos in churches and social events and she realized many concerts, including some in projects with the Cultural Secretary of the city, Clóvis Salgado Foundation and other public organs of Belo Horizonte, her home city.
Progressive Rock:
In spite of the adverse conditions posed by the national music business for promoting and distributing alternative private record labels, Tânia Braz still opts to work with this style of music which requires great amount of work but at the same time is well suited with her feelings while reflecting her academic and professional background.

In 1999, she united forces with a team of great instrumentalists, forming a band named ARION to adventure into the journey of progressive rock symphony launching an innovative and creative work. As the band’s vocalist and one of the composers, Tânia released the CD ARION, by the label Progressive Rock Worldwide from Sao Paulo and, beginning in 2005, will have exclusive distribution by Rock Symphony/Musea, throughout Europe Japan, etc. This CD has been acclaimed by critics who have expertise in Progressive Rock.

In 2001, Tânia Braz was elected by the website (the most traditional and popular website of this category in Brazil) “the best singer” of progressive rock of 2001. Along with the band, Tânia has performed at international concerts opening the shows for reputable bands such as "Quidan" of Poland and "Focus" of Holland (the latter, a worldwide famous group of the 70s).

In 2003, Tânia was invited by Guilherme Castro, Somba band’s leader, to interpret his song “Fenceless”, the famous 11th tune of the group’s first CD.Then she performed in two concerts at Palácio das Artes Theater in Belo Horizonte with the Rock Orchestra from Minas Gerais, formed by the respectable bands Cartoon, Cálix and Somba.
"MPB” – Popular Brazilian music:
Besides working with ARION, in 2002, Tânia Braz formed her own musical group with some of the best and most respectable musicians of Belo Horizonte. In order to broad her career, Tânia started to develop a new work of composition, in a modern style and characterized by a combination of multiple open tendencies. Although such style of music is quite complex at first sight, it can be easy to assimilate because it touches people’s imagination.

The unexpected arrangements emphasize the beauty and the variety of cultural elements of the popular Brazilian music, the roots of the local folk songs, while combining them with the styles and sounds of other foreign lands. As such, her work brings the typical characteristic of the “congado mineiro” to the exotic scales of oriental origins. Putting together a music that embraces so many cultural influences, Tânia frees herself from stereotype labels to create and achieve her own indentity as an artist.

The words of her music inspire mankind and spirituality, bringing an atmosphere of joy energy and peace. This is the focus of Brazilian music in the 3rd Millenium, so authentic and of easy assimilation which conveys the spiritual achievement of the human soul.
In 2003, Rede Pública de Televisão – REDE MINAS (Public Network) made a live recording of the concert “Mágica Música – magic music”. This show has been exibited several times at this particular Public Network as well as at other affiliate stations.

In 2004, having the project of the concert “New MPB” approved by the Encouragement to the Culture Program of the State, Tânia and her group traveled with success to the countryside of Minas Gerais, having concerts in a tour promoted by Fundação Belgo Grupo Arcelor, part of the project “Trilhas da Cultura”.
Also in 2004, this concert was performed many times in several public parks in the city of Belo Horizonte with the project “Aonde o Povo Está” by Belotur, a city hall department responsible to promote local tourism.

In 2006, Tânia and her group started to record the “Em busca de mim” CD (Looking for Myself) with brand new songs. This authorial work is a mark of the end of a time of musical experimentations and the beginning of a new time in her artistic career. The CD would be officially ready only in 2007.
Other styles and works of Tania Braz:
As a singer, Tânia Braz worked with a variety of styles: from popular music (Brazilian MPB and foreign music of several tendencies and times) to scholar music (Renaissance repertory, classic and international folkloric songs).
Ms. Braz has a vast experience in performing for local TV and Radio and several programs such as "Feira Moderna" (Modern Fair) of Breno Milagres, "Arrumação" of Saulo Laranjeira, "Bom Dia Minas" of Rede Globo Minas and the "Especial Rede Minas" “Palco Brasil” (Brasil Stage) of Rede Minas Television etc.

At the completion of her degree at UFMG, Tânia Braz recorded the CD "Mágica Música" (Magical Music), which combines her life experience and academic skills. The songs of the CD are written by her and contain several styles – from Progressive Rock to operatic passages of "A Estátua e o Vento" (The Statue and the Wind), her own musical masterpiece which is filled with exotic influences for choirs, soloists and orchestra. The CD was received with greetings by the critics and was like a research lab for what was made later in 2004, in a new authorial work by Tânia Braz.

Music for Orchestra – Because Ms. Braz had already worked with composition and orchestration at the Symphonic Orchestra from the UFMG Music School and at the Instrumental School of the UAKTI group, she was invited in 2003 by the movie director Breno Milagres to work in two songs for the sound track of the movie “Quando fui morto em Cuba" (When I was murdered in Cube), performed and recorded by the Symphonic Orchestra of Minas Gerais.

Music of Spanish Influence - Specialized in Spanish Music, including the study of the language and Flamingo dance, having this work completed with Grupo AGNY. Because of good reviews in a series of performance of "Caminhos de Espanha - Sendero del Sueño" show in Belo Horizonte, the group was chosen in 1998 to receive the support of the project "Celeiro Cultural" (Cultural Barn) of the Grande Loja Maçônica (Freemasonry) from Minas Gerais, when then had the oportunity to record the demo CD which includes 6 songs of Spanish influence.

Bossa Nova – She was part of the Project "EncantaConta" (artistically directed by Flávio Vignoli) which goal was doing musical theatric works. Performed as singer and actress on the theatrical piece "Uma Flor Para Vinícius" (A Flower to Vinícius), during the month of August 2000, in Belo Horizonte, In in the years of 2001 and 2002 she was the main atraction for "Especial Rede Minas" of TV MINAS. Shortly thereafter, Tânia Braz participated on the recording of two CDs celebrating the 10 years of "Clube da Bossa Nova" in Belo Horizonte.

Regional Music – In 2003, Tânia launched the show titled "Sem fronteiras" in partnership with the well respected folk Chico Lobo guitar player. The focus of the show is a result of a curious confront of the rich universe of the traditional regional Brazilian music and the beauty of past famous foreign music success.

Because of the versatility of her repertoire, Tânia Braz has been invited many time to perform in special events, as it follows:
Commemorations of the 50 years of the city Vespasiano, in Minas Gerais.
Ending of the exposition of works of the sculptor Camille Claudel, in the Pampulha Art Museum in Belo Horizonte.
Opening of the Pio XII School Cultural Center, one of the most traditional in BH.
Concert in the Dom Silvério Theater, that marked the commemoration of the 10 years of the Bossa Nova club in Belo Horizonte.
Commemorative events of the 191st anniversary of the Chilean independence and commemoration of the Chilean community in Belo Horizonte, performing with the San Martin group.
Opening of the International Festival of Cinema in Belo Horizonte in 2002.