Our products for sale:
For more information, if you live abroad, send a e-mail to taniabraz@taniabraz.com.br and we will contact you.
The CD “Em busca de mim - Looking for myself” is available for purchasing.

The CD “Arion” is available for purching by accessing the website www.amazon.com

“The magic of music” concert – Based on an authoral repertoire, this show brings to you what is the most modern and new in the music from Minas Gerais, besides great sucesses from different ages and places in a completely new way.

“Soy loco por ti América” concert – Concert that mixes music, theater and poetry, presenting the most beautiful and famous songs, that were very important for the history of the Latin American music.
“In the heart of Brazil” – Musical concert, taking you to the most traditional and sacred popular Brazilian music.